Things I want to say
Published on July 26, 2008 By charliemama In Misc

Ginger in the sun by you.

There is no other way to describe Ginger the Red Setter. She was a Birdbrain. In every sense of the word. One of the most beautiful dogs we ever had, deep red and feathery, the kind of shiny coat that catches the sun and radiates it back. But not a house dog. Our mistake. She was sweet, and she was great with the kids. But she was a chewer. Shoes (some of MamaCharlie's favorite Italian heels !!), wires, and telephones. The Bundespost (the Postal System in Germany runs all the telephones) had to come out and replace our telephone...twice. I guess if it rang while we were gone, she felt the need to stop it. She got my low-quarters (the shoes I needed for my dress uniform), and various and sundry other objects around the house. She didn't get the idea of leaving the house to go potty, so we took shifts and walked her almost hourly trying to get her to catch on. Problem was that there were only so many dog-walking areas on post and they were pretty well used. She was dainty and insisted on going on virgin territory.

One day I came in just as she assumed the position. I immediately yelled at her and swatted her butt. I hooked her up to the leash and walked her for over an hour. She would not go. She had learned her lesson...Daddy don't like to see dogs poopin'. I knew she had to go...badly...she was walking with her butt squeezed tight...but she wasn't about to risk getting Daddy mad again. As soon as we got home and she was off the leash, she ran to a secluded corner and dumped it all. For the rest of the time we had her, she would not make a drop in my presence.

But she was a sweetie. Not a watch dog by any stretch...she loved EVERYONE. One of the most affectionate dogs we ever owned. She would come up to MamaCharlie and rest her head on her shoulder and snuggle up under her chin. My most lasting memory of her is her facination with birds. No matter what she was doing, if a bird flew by the window her head would snap that way and her big ol' feathery ears would flop was what she was born to. We finally gave up. We found a single NCO who lived off post, he was a hunter and anxious to get her and train her for what she should have been doing. Birdbrain.





on Jul 26, 2008
This sounds suspiciously like a BFD story posted on CharlieMama by mistake...dang that dual-use computer!!
on Jul 28, 2008
Her handwriting is still better.
on Jul 28, 2008
on Jul 29, 2008

She was a beauty.  I guess I should kinda apologize for all the crying when she had to go.  But, hey, I was only 6 or 7!